
We found 14 courses available for you

Fundamentals of Accounting

4 Lessons
22.3 hours

In this course you will learn the basics of accounting. …

What you'll learn
Able to read the three most common financial statements
The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.
Apply these skills to a real-world business setting.

Fundamentals of Accounting

4 Lessons
22.3 hours

In this course you will learn the basics of accounting. …

What you'll learn
Able to read the three most common financial statements
The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.
Apply these skills to a real-world business setting.

The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity

5 Lessons
15.5 hours

This course is authorized by and made in partnership with …

What you'll learn
Test your knowledge with concepts you've just learned.
Build two commercial quality games: a 2D Galaxy Shooter Game and cinematic effects, and a 3D
Get access to the unique artwork

The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity

5 Lessons
15.5 hours

This course is authorized by and made in partnership with …

What you'll learn
Test your knowledge with concepts you've just learned.
Build two commercial quality games: a 2D Galaxy Shooter Game and cinematic effects, and a 3D
Get access to the unique artwork

Mastering the selling process

6 hours
All Levels

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisc ing elit. Nunc …

What you'll learn
Create several sales necessary tools that are essential to becoming a high-performer in sales. These tools are based around the foundation of knowledge, skill and discipline.
Each tool makes up the Sales Toolkit, which is a living document to guide you through each and every step of the sales process.

Mastering the selling process

6 hours
All Levels

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisc ing elit. Nunc …

What you'll learn
Create several sales necessary tools that are essential to becoming a high-performer in sales. These tools are based around the foundation of knowledge, skill and discipline.
Each tool makes up the Sales Toolkit, which is a living document to guide you through each and every step of the sales process.
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